About Us
Elderberry is Gangster...and we are absolutely obsessed with it! OK...to start, we love Elderberry, and it's been a blessing since bringing it into our lives. We had a busy household with runny noses, colds, and of course, that dreaded flu...It always felt like a never-ending battle. After being introduced to all the benefits and learning how to take Elderberry we noticed it was definitely a game changer. Elderberry had become a staple in our home and we no longer had to roam aimlessly through the drug store looking for some type of relief. At that time we mainly purchased commercial-made elderberry syrup which was filled with tons of sugars, preservatives, and thickeners. We finally discovered that Local Made Elderberry Syrup is more potent and powerful than store bought and that was the better option for our family. So after tons of research, I decided to take a leap of faith and make my own! I sourced from the top suppliers and only use Certified Organic Whole Ingredients. Our Elderberry recipe comes packed with ingredients that are full of benefits like antioxidants, antivirals, vitamins, and minerals just to name a few. We have become known for having one of the best tasting elderberry syrups and kids love it too! We strive to provide a natural alternative to help boost your immune with our yummy Elderberry Syrup during seasonal threats, and we look forward to giving you the chance to experience the Wonders of Elderberry!